Biodiesel Processors

GRE manufactures 15 processor sizes called the GRE range. These processors have been designed by Engr. Munyiri Kimani ; alma mater , Engineering Faculty of Turin ITALY.

Designed with the following in mind:
Each processor includes:

What is Biodiesel ( bio diesel )?

Cost of Oil + Chemicals + Water + Electricity
Chemicals, water and electricity are on average Kshs. 24/L
The cost of Labour, Overheads and the expected Volume to be produced per month must be factored into the equation to calculate the total cost to produce 1 litre of biodiesel.

The following prices exclude VAT, Delivery and Installation.

Dispensing Systems:

12v DC is Kshs 200,000

220v AC is Kshs. 195,000

BIODIESEL Processors:

GRE I - 80 Litre

$ 4,200

Produces ± 55L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE 1 - 200 Litre

$ 5,200

Produces ± 150L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE II - 300 Litre

$ 6,200

Produces ± 250L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE I - 500 Litre

$ 8,400

Produces ± 385L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE 1 - 750 Litre

$ 10,400

Produces ± 580L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE II - 1200 Litre

$ 18,500

Produces ± 950L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE II - 1850 Litre

$ 24,000

Produces ± 1400 of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE II - 3000Litre

$ 38,000

Produces ± 2200L of biodiesel in 3 days

GRE II - 5000 Litre

$ 60,000

Produces ± 4000L of biodiesel

GRE II - 11000 Litre

$ 100,000

Produces ± 8500L of biodiesel in 3 days