It is non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-flammable and biodegradable It is non-hazardous, non-toxic, non-flammable and biodegradable

Training is one of the most important elements when it comes to improve the knowledge and qualifications of the different stakeholders involved. From government bodies and agencies to private individuals, GREENLAND possess a skilled team formed in education and training, always guaranteeing the highest standards and supporting our clients at all stages of the project.

Evaluating the different alternatives and their technical and economic feasibility before the execution of the project is a fundamental part of any engineering project. Indeed, proper preparation is essential to generate solid projects that attain their objectives and promote socio-economic development in the targeted area. At GREENLAND, we have the necessary resources to implement any […]

Site management can be a determining factor for the success or failure of a project. Supporting and monitoring the coordination of all construction activities so that they are carried out satisfactorily is crucial to the successful execution of any construction project. GREENLAND’s broad experience allows us to accompany our clients in the supervision of works […]

The globalization of the economy has caused a substantial increase in the complexity of economic interactions and trade routes. Our multidisciplinary team has grown alongside and thanks to that, today it is able to manage all kinds of logistics services for our clients, guaranteeing the implementation in a timely manner of the most complex works […]

The safety and trust of our customers are key to GREENLAND. That is why we offer a wide range of services related to quality control, both at the design and manufacturing stages, working continually with the highest international standards and the greatest professionalism.

The fabrication of the different steel parts and components is a complex process that requires a high level of performance and efficiency. At GREENLAND, we adapt to the highest international quality standards, ensuring a top of the art execution for our clients at each step of the manufacturing process, optimizing and guaranteeing the safety of […]

The financing arrangements are crucial for any project to take shape and be implemented, and a good financial scheme is key to their economic viability and success. Most of the projects in which GREENLAND participates are supported by financial solutions from various sources, ranging from export credits or commercial loans to soft credits and concessional […]

The design of transport infrastructures such as bridges, viaducts and pedestrian walkways poses a series of specific challenges. From longer spans and construction techniques that are cheaper and quicker to assemble, to more efficient and environmentally friendly materials that facilitate maintenance and durability throughout the useful life of the infrastructure to be built. GREENLAND has […]

Our multidisciplinary team is specialized in the entire project life cycle, from feasibility and pre-design studies to the implementation and construction of the required infrastructures. GREENLAND offers comprehensive and constant support to our clients, guiding them throughout the different steps of the project cycle and avoiding them dealing with multiple contractors. Likewise, we adapt to […]